Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Ramones - In-Fest '93 part 1 - High River, Alberta, Canada

The Ramones - In-Fest '93 part 1 - High River, Alberta, Canada

The Ramones – In-Fest ’93 – High River, Alberta, Canada

During the August long weekend of 1993, High River, Alberta became home to the second three-day festival in that location in two years. Once again, overnight, hordes of punk rockers and grunge rockers soon exceeded the population of High River itself.

Not unlike its predecessor, Highwood ’92, In-Fest ’93 played host to over 40 bands during that weekend. The most notable being The Ramones, The Violent Femmes, Bad Brains and The Meat Puppets.

Supporting these headlining acts were also a caste of brilliant performers including Big Drill Car, SNFU, The Smalls, Dayglo Abortions and Grim Skunk.

Honestly, I really don’t remember much of anything of the first night, I remember smoking a big doob with a group of folks we met the first night, and not much after that.

By the dawn of Saturday July 31, 1993, the High River Rodeo Grounds became tent-city. There were miles and miles of tents as far as the eye could see and the faint sound of the first band warming up in the distance ready to kick off the first set of the day.

Fire pits once again ablaze to cook breakfast, not a cloud in the sky and temperatures set to climb into the mid-30s. It was going to be one hell of a weekend, and it had really only just begun.

A massive onslaught of weirdoes wandering the main streets. Two police officers trying to prevent hundreds of kids from swimming in the river in the scorching heat. The tales of madness is endless.
By Saturday evening the air was electric with energy.

After countless maddening hours of heatstroke and intoxication the Bad Brains were up next.

This footage is the last few moments of the Bad Brains followed by the sounds of The Ramones.
The camera shakes and soon finds its focus.
For the next 25 minutes The Ramones do what they do best,

Be The Ramones.

The Blue Uniform Listening Room

*Special thanks to Ross Herman for the contribution of this footage*

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks. You have more to share or can I trade for the full video?

